A Blog and A Portfolio

Yes, while this is a blog, the original purpose (and continued purpose) of this site is to allow you to find any and all of the stuff I've "published" on the www. I'm not new to writing, not even new to Internet. However, I've been pretty private about my work until about two years ago, … Continue reading A Blog and A Portfolio

Writers, are you threatened by AI?

My first public foray into the breach of AI (Artificial Intelligence) was an attempt at figuring out just how "intelligent" it is right now. You can read the post on the you're listening to radio revel blog, or if your a podcast fan, you can listen to it anywhere you get your podcasts (I think!). In … Continue reading Writers, are you threatened by AI?

Don’t Balk at the Editor

I've probably mentioned somewhere that I write elsewhere. Many elsewheres, actually. Writing elsewhere means there will be a someone else who will be, in one way or another, looking over your work. That someone will be an editor. Don't balk, be thankful there is an editor. Why have an editor? One of the best reasons … Continue reading Don’t Balk at the Editor